If you’re worried about what's coming next in North America…

Here's How To Protect Your Family And Wealth In As Little As 30 Days,

Without Breaking The Bank…

Adventuring Expat Shows You How To Insulate Yourself From

Government Theft And Chaos In The 2020s - In Three Quick Steps

Dear Freedom Lover,

Something big is coming.

History is about to be written. 

You don't need me to tell you.

You can feel it. 

Let’s be honest…

You've known for decades something was off… but could never quite put your finger on it… and always had better things to do anyway. 

Not only that, you didn’t want to believe your gut instinct. 

You’ve secretly prayed it wasn’t true. But now, you realize your worst fears may be reality.

You had your first real doubts back on that fateful morning in September 2001. 

To this day, no one has ever explained why World Trade Center 7 went into free fall. In fact, most people have never even heard of WT7 or know that it collapsed.

And why was no plane wreckage ever found at the Pentagon? A still small voice whispers to you from the back of your mind… 

Then there were the images of torture during the Iraq war… 

Surely your government would never do such things - or tell such massive lies. Surely US elites would never seek to harm the people they represent. 

Over and over, you repeated these words - hoping they were true.

Then came 2020. 

Since then - no matter how hard you try - you can no longer deny what’s right in front of your face. 

Each revelation looks worse than the last. 

Not only did Pfizer make billions off their injectables - lying about what was in them… their efficacy… the safety data… and the harmful effects…

Suddenly you’re hearing about something called “turbo cancer” killing young people in the prime of life. 

And now you find out Pfizer bought a tiny startup drug company with medicines designed to treat… 

Turbo cancers. 

The hashtag #DiedSuddenly is everywhere as perfectly healthy people drop dead from heart failure and blood clots.

Can this really be happening? 

What about due process and the Rule of Law? What about the consent of the governed? 

What about the sacred cow of democracy we are all ordered to revere and defend at any cost?

How can elites get away with this kind of deception? Isn’t anyone looking out for regular, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens anymore? 

Sadly, you know the answer.

There aren't many moments in life when everything depends on a single choice you either make… or fail to. 

In 2024… 

You now face such a moment. 

The Old World Is Gone

And It's Not Coming Back

Whatever else the 2020s may bring, you and I will be forced to adjust to a new reality - one in which freedom and prosperity are no longer assured. 

The fallout from mass vaccinations… illegal immigration and the destruction of cultural values… infinite money printing and the resulting inflation… and the endless provocation of nuclear-armed Russia…

If you don’t see the trend yet, let me just spell it out for you…

In the end, elites will play their last card…

They will take us to war. 

That's the moment everything will change irrevocably - especially if your life and money are controlled by a single government. You see…

A declaration of war gives your government carte blanche to do whatever it wants, using the blanket excuse of “national security” as cover for canceling your freedom… stealing your money… and even imprisoning you, and your family for as long as they wish. 

If you think this can't happen, wake up. It’s already happened dozens of times in living memory.

When some joker in government says “we” are going to war, he does not mean he is going. 

He means you and your sons will be sent off to die - while he continues to dine at his elite club with his elite buddies. 

Because all wars from now on will be banker's wars. And the bankers all want war…

Stop Obeying The Petty Tyrants

Enslaving You And Your Family


My name is Tain Nix. I've spent 25+ years working out solutions to a reckoning I knew would come in my lifetime. I'll prove it below. 

Today, that reckoning is here. 

If you don't have a plan for making it through the next decade with your family and your money alive and intact… 

Then you need to know about the solution I've discovered for creating an entirely new level of freedom and wealth amidst the chaos of the 2020s.

Here's something to keep in mind… 

The second, third, and fourth largest banking failures in US history happened between March and May of 2023. 

And that's not the worst of it… 

The US Central Bank is also technically insolvent. 

The Federal Reserve has reported a staggering operating loss of $114 billion for the year—an unprecedented event that marks the largest loss in the institution's history.

This alarming development places it hypothetically third in the ranks of the largest bankruptcies in American history, trailing only behind the collapses of Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual in 2008.”

- @TFTC on X.com

How can the US Central Bank be out of money? Surely they can just create more out of thin air, can’t they? 

Yes, they can - and they will. Until they can’t… because no one trusts the currency anymore. And then what?

The debt and spending problems of the US leadership are so completely out of control… and the people causing this disaster are totally out of touch… 

The world is in uncharted territory. 

Something that tends to happen only once in a century is about to unfold... 

It’s something that has never happened to any nation with the world's reserve currency:

A sovereign default… hyperinflation… or both. 

The entire financial and monetary systems now rest on the ability of the political class in Washington to come together, tighten their belts and find a responsible way out of the financial mess we are in. 

Confidence in the US dollar - the lynchpin of Western prosperity - is now in the hands of the same politicians who have voted to raise the debt ceiling - a staggering 78 times since 1960.

One financial panic… one stock market meltdown… one military defeat… one emergency… and confidence in the US dollar could blow away like feathers in a hurricane. 

Trillions of dollars of paper wealth will vanish with a “whoosh.”

Crisis or not, there is no political will left to prevent what time will make inevitable - a giant reset of the world’s accounting system, performed by the very people who got us into this mess in the first place.

You and your wealth are on a sinking ship - and the only question is whether or not you are going to drown with the rest of the passengers…

Or make it to safety. 

Fortunately, there’s still plenty of room in the lifeboats -

If You Act Quickly And Go Against The Stampeding Masses. 

Like I said, my name is Tain Nix - and I saw the current madness coming almost two decades ago. I’ll prove it below. 

Today, I want to throw you a lifeline to one of the most exciting and hopeful opportunities you could hope to find in this darkening hour of history. 

A community of folks who are finding ways out of the dystopian world being prepared by our elite class.

You see, the elites running our institutions all depend on your cooperation.

Their entire operation requires you to believe one single lie: 

They insist you have no other choice other than to obey orders and accept the “solutions” they so selflessly create for you. 

Once you understand the nature of this deception - and how the dark future being prepared for you depends on your agreement to be enslaved…

You can simply get up and walk out of the prison being built around you.  But you need to take action immediately. 

No one knows for sure how much longer we have before the doors and windows of this prison begin to close.

I’ve Been Preparing For The Coming 

Mayhem All My Adult Life

My first real inkling things were not going to be okay - that the world was headed for a serious reckoning during my lifetime - was the year I spent in Europe. 

I taught at a Swiss boarding school - touring the continent on a motorcycle. I visited Italy… Germany… France… Spain… Portugal… and as much of the Swiss Alps as I could see.

I ran with the bulls in Pamplona… parachuted off mountains near Interlaken… and even went over a waterfall in a small rowboat - just for the hell of it.

I was mad for adventure in those days. But I was looking for an answer to one specific riddle... 

How could a place full of such beauty and culture like Europe go so far off the rails? How could there have been slaughter on such a scale not once, but twice?

I knew in my guts that if it could happen there… it could happen in the US too.

When I left Europe, it was to sail the high seas. 

Here I am on deck as we departed Charleston Harbor in 1998.

A few weeks later, the Captain of The S/V “Evening Star” and I were caught in a ferocious hurricane - Hurricane Mitch - on the Bahama Banks.

Here the seas are building before the storm…

Not long after that terrifying experience, I was in Cuba - to see for myself what communism looked like. This photo pretty much sums it up… 

The young man above was being arrested and hauled away by police in Havana as he struggled and screamed for his life. 

If anyone had seen me whip out my camera to snap that photo… I might never have been heard from again. 

When I left Cuba, I bought land and built a house high in the mountains of Central America…

Learned medicine from an old local curandero…

And even bought a sailboat - living at sea for five years and sailing under the famous Golden Gate in San Francisco dozens of times…

In brief, I’ve spent the last 25 years on a grand adventure - looking for the freest places and best ways to maintain personal sovereignty in an increasingly unfree world.

And I’m happy to say…

I’ve found what I was looking for.

It wasn’t an easy journey. 

It was the kind of hair-brained experiment you can only do when you are young and contemptuous of death. In fact… 

I nearly lost my life more than once.

But it was all worth it. 

Because I achieved what I set out to do.

You see, I wasn’t just adventuring. I was on a mission. 

I was learning how to operate in a world without borders. 

I was learning languages… integrating myself into different cultures… and investing in assets poised to explode in value. 

In brief, I was building my life and my wealth as an International Man. 

Today, I’ve put everything I’ve learned together in one place - a brand new, private group I call…

The X Plan Community.

Click Here To Learn More And Secure Your Membership To The X Plan Community

The Three Layers of

International Diversification

I promised at the top I would reveal three simple steps to diversify your life and your wealth. So here goes…

Sleep Tight Security Layer #1:

First, it’s no secret the US banking system is in serious trouble. 

The FDIC can just barely cover one half of one percent of all deposits...

The Fed - the nation’s central bank and the backstop for the world’s reserve currency - is technically insolvent…

And the US government is sitting on a $35 trillion debt-pile - and adding another $1 trillion every 100 days!

The only reason no one is panicking yet is because things are still relatively calm. 

Most folks believe, “Well, a total collapse of the banking system has never happened before, so it probably won’t happen this time either.”

Most folks are wrong. History says when a nation’s debt levels grow beyond 130% of GDP…

There’s no reccovery that deosn’t involve a chaotic collapse. Right now…

The US debt to GDP ratio is 122% and rising.

That’s why your single most urgent task right now should be to get a large portion your wealth out of the US banking system while it’s still possible. 

That means opening a foreign bank account. There are several jurisdictions where you do not have to be a resident to open a bank account…

I share some of my favorites with you inside The X Plan Community member’s area.

The only question about more bank failures coming to the US is when - not if.

Moving some money to a foreign bank means you will be protected when banks fail in the US.

Sleep Tight Security Layer #2:


But what if bank failures aren’t contained in the US only?

If there’s a worldwide meltdown, that’s when you’ll want to have a sizeable chunk of your money outside the banking system altogether.

The two best assets for holding wealth outside the banking system are…

Bitcoin and gold. 

I hear a lot of talk these days about why one is better than another. To me…

This is a dumb argument between zealots. The rational thing to do is hold both. 

Gold is the odds on favorite for preserving purchasing power. It has done so for about 5,000 years and central banks all over the world are buying at a feverish pace.

With gold, you buy it and hope it doesn’t go to $5,000 or $10,000 an ounce. Because if it does…

Well, that’s a world none of us want to see because it means things have come completely undone. 

Already gold has surged 20% in 2024 - which tells you all is not well in the world’s financial system.

The most important thing about owning gold is where you will store it. Inside The X Plan Community, I share some of my favorite vaulting services and secure storage tips and tricks.

Digital Gold? 

Bitcoin may turn out to be a great store of value and the monetary revolution everyone hopes… or it may not. 

Right now, it is the only way to move large amounts of money outside the corrupt, legacy financial system. 

If you can memorize twelve words, you can cross any border with millions of dollars in your possession - and never declare it to anyone. 

That’s not a service that’s ever existed before - and one the greedy, legacy financial overlords will never endorse.

Keeping enough money in Bitcoin that you could jump on a flight… land in your backup location… and provide for yourself and your family for an extended period makes a lot of sense right now.

The only trick with Bitcoin is making sure you keep it safe. There are a lot of ways for your Bitcoin to be hacked and stolen. I know a woman who watched as hackers drained her account to zero - all $750,000 of it.

I show members of the X Plan Community how to safely and securely hold Bitcoin so it’s there when you need it.

Sleep Tight Security Layer #3:

The last - and most formidable - level of international diversification is to take the bulk of your assets off your balance sheet and get them out of your home country’s legal reach.

This is the basic function of a Foreign Asset Protection Trust.

I know people who put their faith in domestic trusts. 

But why would a domestic trust company housed in say Virginia refuse a federal court order on your behalf?

They won’t. 

If your trustee is based in the US, they will be subject to federal law. 

In other words, a domestic trust is not likely to stand up to the US government. 

Which means your wealth is far from safe if it is still subject to the laws of your home country.

Remember, the only government in the world that actually insists you and your money are their property is your home government.

When you consider all the frivolous legal activities aimed at former President Trump…

You have to wonder if The Rule of Law still applies in the US anymore.  

Foreign jurisdictions are different. They don’t have to obey any orders from the mighty US government. 

In fact, they have a strong incentive to ignore anything that endangers your assets. If a country has a large financial services industry… is known for protecting assets… and then suddenly betrays a client…

Wealth would flee instantly and their entire financial services sector would crater overnight. In other words…

When your Trust is domiciled in a foreign country, they have a strong incentive to keep it safe. They want your money there. 

The only trick with Foreign Trusts is to know which jurisdictions have the best laws and the best reputation for protecting clients from predatory creditors.

I cover all that and a whole lot more inside The X Plan Community.

Of All The Ways To Avoid The 

Coming Trouble - The Best One Is This

What's coming in 2024 and beyond is the most predictable - and avoidable - crisis in history. 

Considering the size and power of the US, it's going to be one for the record books.

But you don't have to be a statistic or part of the collateral damage. Better still...

You have the opportunity to circle the wagons with people who share your values - so you can protect what's yours... take advantage of opportunities as they appear... and possibly emerge better off than you are now.

In as little as a few hours a month, you can bulletproof your finances and discover secrets to internationalizing your life - including the best places outside North America to ride out trouble while you make a handsome return. 

Whatever you do...

Please… Don't just sit there and watch the disaster coming at you. 

It's still not too late to protect your family and your legacy from what's about to happen. 

Be a hero for your children... and their children.

Of all the ways to avoid trouble, the best one is this... 

Get your family and your money outta town.

Tain Nix